Terms and Conditions


Updated 25/04/2024 


Bryher Community Centre Association Mission Statement 


The aim of Bryher Community Centre Association is to: 
  1. Support and maintain both physically and economically Bryher Community Centre for both current residents of Bryher and future generations 
  1. Ensure that the Community Centre can be used for the benefit of the community of Bryher, specifically (but not exclusively) for functions and activities that enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of the island community. 
  1. Support and/or lead on projects (where appropriate) that enhance the wider community of Bryher, these may include projects that support the local environment and/or community facilities and events. 
Bryher Community Centre Association aims to regulate their activities via a Committee of Members this document outlines the responsibilities of the Committee. 
Please note for clarity the name of the Charity is Bryher Community Centre Association. The name of the body elected to administer the charity on a daily basis is Bryher Community Centre Committee 


Responsibilities of the Bryher Community Centre Committee 


The responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:    


  • To comply with and uphold the Constitution.  

  • To administer and maintain Bryher Community Centre.  

  • To be responsible for the building and all property held within the Community Centre, ensuring that members can easily and safely access all available amenities as appropriate 

  • To assess income and expenditure as well as compliance with all relevant legal requirements as laid down by both the Charity Commission, HMRC. and relevant laws as they exist and evolve 

  • To monitor and promote the provision of community events within the Community Centre via range of communication mechanisms. 

  • To determine fees and charges for use of the Community Centre and all relevant assets at the first meeting of Committee members following each AGM. 

  • To ensure that a minimum amount of funds will remain in the centre’s accounts of £15,000 for the ongoing management and maintenance of the community centre.  

  • To fundraise annually to support the maintenance and activities provided by the community centre.  

  • To elect a Chair who shall preside at the meetings of the Association including the AGM. 

  • To elect annually a Secretary and Treasurer and other officers as required 

  • To keep and maintain a register of all members of the Association 

  • To approve expenditure within the budget of the Association up to a maximum of £2,000. Any expenditure over this amount to be referred to the Association membership for feedback – the final decision on expenditure however to remain with the Committee. 

  • All expenditure over £500 to be the subject of 3 quotes – the successful quote need not be the cheapest but due diligence regarding value for money must take place. All evidence of due diligence to be passed to the Treasurer to be recorded.  

  • To deal with other matters regarding the Community Centre and or matters outside the Community ~Centre itself but that relate to the mission statement of the Association. 


Membership & Roles 


  • All members of the committee upon joining the committee also adopt the position of Bryher Community Association Trustee.

  • Membership of the Committee is restricted to members of the Association and approved by the Trustees as specified in the constitution 

  • On occasions, other individuals may be invited to attend meetings to provide specific information relating to projects or other areas of work.  

  • As per the constitution, a minimum of 3 Association members will sit on the BCC Association Committee including a Chair and, Secretary and Treasurer There is no maximum number. 

  • Each member of the committee must retire with effect from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting next after his or her appointment but shall be eligible for re-election. Written notice of his or her intention to stand again must be received by the standing Chair prior to the AGM 

  • Members agree to prioritise their attendance at meetings. 

  • Please See Appendix A for Association role descriptions.   

Committee Structure 2022


Role on the Association

Aaron Haile

Co – Chair / Secretary

Amanda Pender

Co – Chair / Secretary

Jo Matthews


Amy Langdon


Louise Searle


Fee Nicole

Fran McNeill

Olivia Callan

Out of Season Events Coordinator

Mark Pender

Phil Spence

Committee Meetings & Quorum 


  • Committee meetings will be held each month, however during summer months this may be reduced to bimonthly.  

  • For meetings to be quorate at least 4 members of the committee, must be in attendance.  

  • For meetings decisions to stand the committee should reach a consensus via a majority vote. If consensus cannot be reached the person who is acting as Chair for that meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 

  • The agenda and any supporting papers will be circulated to all Committee members at least 3 days prior to each meeting.  

  • Minutes and action points from each meeting must be circulated to all members within 48 hours of each meeting.  

  • An Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be held annually or within 15 months of the previous meeting as per that specified in the constitution. 

  • The Committee may delegate any of their powers or functions to a committee of two or more bit the terms of delegation must be recorded. 



Appendix A – Role Descriptions 

All membersAll members of the Committee play an important role by thinking creatively about what the Association can do together to improve the lives of Bryher residents, as per the Mission Statement.  Members will support each other and work together to make things happen. 

It is important that Committee members commit to the following: 

  • Contribute to meetings (including the AGM), attend meetings regularly or send apologies if they are not able to. 

  • Inform the Secretary, Chair or Vice Chair of items to be discussed at meetings.  

  • Support the Association in the day to day running of the community centre and be proactive in volunteering if jobs need doing.    

  • Work closely with the community to support them if they are helping complete community centre tasks and jobs.  

  • Make sure that they are approachable and receptive to suggestions from Bryher residents.  

  • Act as a visible point of contact regarding the Community Centre and its events to the island’s visitors. 

  • Report back when they have completed a task or acted on behalf of the Association.  

  • Contribute to the Association in a way that encourages ideas, allows other members to communicate their views on important issues and don’t let differences of opinion disrupt the workings of the Association. 

  • Support the Association and accept majority decisions. 


Chair The Chair’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the association works well together and adheres to the Constitution and its Mission Statement. The Chair will provide leadership where required by the Association and will also plan, call and chair Association meetings 


Vice ChairThe role of the Vice Chair is to support and help the Chair and to stand in for the Chair at meetings in their absence.  Whilst primarily a supporting role, the Vice Chair should also at times adopt both a critical friend approach providing challenge where necessary as well as a forum where the Chair can work through issues in a supportive environment. For the Chair to take an overview of the Association and its affairs the Vice Chair should ensure that they have a good grasp on more detailed aspects of Association procedure and its inner workings including: 

  • Governance 

  • Finance 

  • Legalities 

  • Strengths and Weaknesses 


Treasurer The Treasurer’s primary responsibility is the management of the finances for the Community Centre. They monitor all incomings and outgoing money from the Associations bank account. They are also responsible for: 

  • Invoicing and payments 

  • Arranging annual insurance cover for the building, equipment, public liability insurance and insurance for any special events.  

  • Keeping the Charity Commissions website up to date with the Associations details and filing the annual financial return.  

  • To ensure that all expenditure is agreed and minuted at Association meetings. 

  • Preparing the monthly cashflows and budget reports to Association meetings. 

  • Preparing the Associations financial accounts. 


Secretary The Secretary is responsible for administration and communication of Association meetings. They set the agenda with the Chair, take minutes of meetings, distribute previous minutes and agendas for meetings coming up, and occasionally write letters on behalf of the Association.  


Communications SecretaryThe Communications Secretary provides a link with the wider community by ensuring that clear and up to date information is exchanged between the Association, Bryher residents and visitors. Communications will be disseminated via the means felt most appropriate at the time, but primarily via email and an increased online presence using the Association web page. The Communications Secretary will keep the Associations webpage up to date with the Mission Statement, event information, risk assessments, booking agreements etc. 


Bookings Secretary – The Bookings Secretary will act as the primary contact for all Community Centre bookings. This includes resident bookings, island events, private hire and corporate events. They will also manage and maintain the bookings diary and schedule regular community centre cleaning.  The bookings secretary will also communicate and work with the treasurer with regards to bookings and charging in line with the Association hiring agreements.  


Appendix B – Project Proposal Outline 

For new project/investment proposals to be considered by the committee a written proposal should be completed and submitted to the committee. If this proposal required investment is over £2,000 then this proposal will also be shared with the wider community on Bryher and discussed at an extraordinary general meeting if appropriate.  

As a minimum the following should be included in the proposal: 

Introduction – a high level summary of the proposal including what the proposal is, what it hopes to achieve and how it will be achieved.  

Proposal – a description of the proposal. 

Benefits – the anticipated benefits of the proposal which should include specific mention of the benefit to the wider island community.  

Risks and other considerations – anything that is deemed to be a risk to the delivery of the proposal and also suggestions as to how this could be mitigated.  

Costs – to include initial investment costs, possible finding opportunities and any estimated associated ongoing costs.  

Key Dates – when the proposal needs to be delivered by and any dates that might be relevant to delivery. 

Other Useful Information – anything else that might be useful to the committee and to the isnads residents to help understand and base decision making on.